

Jennylee has conversations on a range of well being topics and the relationship to body, mind, emotions and Breathwork. 

Breathwork: Taking the voltage out of trauma

Newcastle Health Collective talks to Jennylee about depression

Are you getting “zapped” by life right now? Is a present day situation causing you to react with voltage and you feel like you are out of control and can’t figure out why? Is it coming out as anger, extreme grief and sadness, or something else, and it seems like an overreaction?  

In this session, Jennylee talks about how Breathwork is the key to resolving the pain and hurt from the past that just doesn’t seem to go away and rules how you react to life now.  By taking the “voltage” out of the memory, Breathwork helps you to be less controlled by things that happen in your daily life bringing about freedom from the past, from anxiety, from being locked in a pattern that is going nowhere to having a sense of clarity, forward movement and living with ease.

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Depression through the lens of Breathwork

Newcastle Health Collective talks to Jennylee about depression

Jennylee talks with Lucy Ellis from the Newcastle Health Collective

This podcast looks at depression through the lens of Breathwork and explores the feelings that you have when you are in a depressed state. Feelings like emptiness, being disconnected and numb can be the consequence of suppressing emotions from past experiences. Breathwork uses the power of your own breath to bypass what you think you know to tap into your body and breath intelligence and locate the source of the held emotion that you may not even know is there.

Lucy and Jennylee go on to talk about three levels of being and what you may be thinking, physically feeling, and what emotions you would be experiencing when you are operating at each of the levels.

They also look at practical ways to help people in the moment when they are feeling anxious or depressed.

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Reconnecting with your body

Newcastle Health Collective Practitioners, Kate Christensen from the Yin Within and Jennylee get together to talk about the importance of people getting out of their head and reconnecting with their body. They share how Breathwork and Yoga can be great tools to get people into their bodies and discuss techniques, awareness, the importance of movement both subtle and dynamic, and stillness within a shape using time and space. 

They also chat about the importance of reconnecting with nature, re-invigorating the senses and the impact this has to your overall wellbeing.

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Impact of your mind on the body and emotions

Jennylee talks with Lucy Ellis from the Newcastle Health Collective

Our brains produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day (National Science Foundation) and ninety-five percent of these thoughts are repeated daily, reflecting the mindset or beliefs we hold that lead to those 50,000 thoughts.

Your mindset in turn governs your actions, which lead to your outcomes in life. In short, if you have a mindset that limits your potential, then you will likely accept limited outcomes in your life. For every outcome you experience a “reaction” that is reflected in your emotions and your physical body.

For example: If you got up this morning and thought “Today is going to be a bad day!” and for the rest of the day, you didn’t get the parking near the school, you ended up late for an appointment, you kicked your toe on the chair as you rushed in and sat down at your meeting. Is it possible that you would be feeling frustrated and about to explode, your breathing would be shallow and fast, your shoulders would be tense and sore or you might have a headache?

Imagine now if you repeated those thoughts every day for the rest of your life. Could your frustration turn to anger, and your tense shoulders turn to neck and back problems? This podcast explores the idea that Thought is Creative and how your mind language affects your whole body.

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Getting into your body

Lucy Ellis from the Newcastle Health Collective talks with Jennylee and a panel of practitioners.

Our body holds a wealth of knowledge and is a historical record of everything that has gone on in your life. Have you ever had a ‘gut feeling’? Getting into your body and creating better awareness can create huge emotional, mental and physiological shifts.

Join us for our panel podcast about getting into your body where we chat about the importance of listening to your body,  being ‘in-tune’ with your body’s wisdom and the impact this can have on your life.

In this episode we speak to Christine Martin – EFT practitioner, Jennylee Taylor – Breathwork practitioner and Suzie Garmeister – Nutritionist. You can read more about them on our practitioners directory page.

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Let's Talk about Identity

Jennylee talks with Lucy Ellis from the Newcastle Health Collective

The natural way of being is to live life in your higher self and to be whole and complete. To be fully in contact with your essence, total self, spiritual or moral self – your soul. To live IN the world and not be controlled by it. To enjoy unconditional love, joy and bliss.

So why do many people feel like this is not true for them?

As we experience life we are invited to live in a less desirable state – giving away parts of ourselves, stealing or attacking parts of others, or losing a part of our self to protect us in the moment. We lose our identity.

When our soul is out of sorts we can have feelings of being lost, not sure who we are anymore, stuck or powerless. This can play out in life in many ways leading to constant regret, unhappiness, anxiety, overwhelm, dissatisfaction and resentment.

In this podcast you will be introduced to the ways in which your essence or soul can be affected in this way, what it means in day to day life and explore ways to regain and untangle your soul parts that are in crisis.

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