Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a Breathwork Session consist of ?

    A Breathwork Session consists of:

     1. Consultation to gather client history, discuss current issues and set an intention for the Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle.

    2. Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle, 

    3. Debrief and next steps. 

    Typically a full Breathwork Session is for two hours.

    A professionally  trained Breathwork Practitioner is the best person to guide you through your Breathwork Session.

  • What type of Breathwork Practitioner should I look for?

    The Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle can take you into deep inner work which requires a trained professional to guide and support you through the process.

    Professional Breathwork Practitioners have undergone a minumum of 450 hours of training with a Breathwork Training school in order to facilitate a one to one Breathwork Session.

    The Breathwork Profession is supported by the Australian Breathwork Association as it's guiding body.

  • What happens in a Breathwork Session?

    Getting clear about what you want - Intention Setting

    In your first session we will have a chat and I will ask you some questions about your history and what’s going on right now that brought you to have a breathe with me on that day.  I will then support you in writing an intention for the session.  All that means is writing down a starting point for you to take a conscious breath.  What is it you want more of (breath in) and what would you like to let go of or have less of (breath out).

    Breathing – conscious connected breathing cycle

    You will be asked to lie down and I will sit next to you and guide you to connect with your conscious connected breath. This means actively breathing, consciously and with awareness around your intention.

    As the session progresses you may experience feeling or thoughts or images about situations or people from the past or present.  Using the breath to guide and support you, you will bring into focused awareness these sensations, words or memories as you explore the reasons your body and mind held onto the emotions and feeling surrounding the experience.

    By accepting and allowing any feelings or sensations that come up and allowing your breath to guide you to the energy associated with the memory or source you have a wonderful opportunity to bring about new understandings about yourself.  As you relax, trust and let go I will hold the space for your breathing process to complete.

    When the breath cycle is complete you will continue to lie down and we will debrief where you can go over the session and how what you experienced relates to your original intention.  Relaxing and integrating at this point allows you time to internalise any realisations or change that may have occurred, reflect on experiences, ask questions and relate your session to your present day life.

    Depending on your needs I may assist you to write an affirmation or set an anchor so you can take your new knowledge into your everyday life to bring about lasting change.

  • What is a Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle?

    Conscious Connected Breathing Cycle (CCBC)

    The CCBC occurs in 3 phases and typically lasts for 60 – 90 minutes: 

    1. Preparation and induction phase where the breather merges the in breath with the out breath to create a conscious connected breathing cycle;

    2. Processing phase where an activation occurs leading to connecting with unconscious material that is brought into conscious awareness for processing and releasing;

    3. Integration/completion stage where the processing completes and the breather returns to normal breathing pattern to integrate the material that was processed. 

  • Is it still safe to have a Breathwork Session during COVID 19?

    Yes.  You can have a Breathwork Session Online in the comfort of your own home. Your personal connection with your own breath does not change. 

    A professional Breathwork Practitioner can support you during the breath cycle. The session is the same consisting of:

    - 30 mins consultation to discuss what is happening right now and to set a clear intention

    - 60 mins breathing cycle laying down

    - 30 mins debrief and integration

    In the session I can see and hear you via easily accessed video on your computer or laptop. This allows me to guide you and support you.

    For more information you can book a call to chat

  • What can Breathwork help me with?

    Breathwork helps you connect to your body and go to the core of the issues that present themselves to you every day. Breathwork could be for you if you are feeling:

        - stressed and anxious all the time?

        - overwhelmed with life?

        - a sense of somehow being incomplete; that something is 'missing'

        - of numbness or flatness; of just going through the motions

        - of hopelessness, apathy and indifference; like a spark is missing

        - a sense of being disconnected from life or what is around you; as if you are living in a dream

       -  feeling lost, indecisive and aimless

        - procrastination; time wasting; or finding it hard to sustain focus or effort

        - a lack of confidence and self-belief

        - of having a strong inner critic who puts you down and is always on your back

        - phobias and anxieties; fearfulness

       -  addictions or other compulsive behaviours and/or thought patterns

        - a sense of never having really recovered from a past event

        - repeatedly returning to a person, location or behaviour that is unhealthy for you

        - inability to move on from an issue or event, despite efforts to do so

       -  finding it hard to (re)invest in the future with enthusiasm and optimism

        - of grief, fear, anger or rage that you cannot seem to shake off

  • How long is a session?

    A breathwork session with is is typically 1.5 - 2 hours consisting of consultation time, the Conscious connected breathing cycle and debrief.

  • What support do I get?

    My job is to create and hold a safe space for you to breathe and go through your healing and learning process. I will encourage and support you with an open heart and with no judgement.  What ever happens for you in the session is the right happening for you.

  • What do I wear?

    In a breathwork session it is important to be comfortable and not restricted by your clothing so wear comfortable, preferably loose clothing.  This is only to allow freedom for the breath cycle so you get the most benefit. You will be asked to remove your shoes as you will be laying down on a mattress on the floor.

    Note: If this is of concern to you a breathwork session can be conducted sitting up in a chair.

  • How many sessions will I need?

    A series of 10 sessions each occurring weekly or fortnightly is highly recommended.

    This depends on what you would like to achieve. 

    The more breath sessions you have the more you have an opportunity to see the long term benefits of Breathwork and how it can support you to make transformations in your life.

    You might want to come for the first initial session to get to know the process and then set a goal for more. This helps you to learn how to use the breath effectively and brings continuity so you can work on a deep level. This also supports the you to gain the maximum benefit from your sessions and gives you your desired outcome for positive change.

    Jennylee has packages to help you fit your budget.

    You can also attend Breathing Circles to get a feel if Breathwork is for you.

  • How do I know it will work for me?

    Many people have benefitted from Breathwork. Breathwork can help you with a range of issues.

    Breathwork is experiential, meaning the best way to understand the extraordinary power of your breath and how it can help you is to have a session.

    You are invited to experience one session and then decide if you want to continue.

    You can find our more about the benefits here

  • How is an Online Breathwork Session different from face to face?

    Apart from the fact that you are not in the same room together the session is the same. 

    Having a Breathwork Session from your own home is practical, simple and comfortable. Even when the session ends you can keep on relaxing and expanding the awareness on the breathe.

    Using an online conference like ZOOM you will have a consultation to discuss where your current issues, followed by setting an intertion for your breathe. 

    You will then breathe in the comfort of your own home supported by Jennylee as if she was right next to you. You will then have an opportunity to integrate and discuss any insights and breakthroughs you experienced.

    You will get the same benefits as a face to face session.

    Check out "How do I set up for an Online Breathwork Session" to find out what you need.

  • How do I set up for an Online Breathwork Session?

    Getting ready for the an Online Session?

    You need:

    1. A good internet connection for videoconference.

    2. Upload Zoom on your computer or mobil phone

    3. Connect with a headset with a microphone.

    4. Turn your video on

    5. Set a quiet and comfortable and uninterrupted space to lay down, pillows, blanket, tissues and a glass of water.

  • Do you have any Case Studies on Breathwork?


    Follow the link and sign up for a pdf downloads of a Case Studies where a woman transformed a present day issue by resolving a trauma that she experienced nearly 60 years ago and other case studies

    Link to landing page to download case studies

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